Talon Air’s hanger at Republic Airport in East Farmingdale is shown on Monday, Oct. 26, 2015. Credit: Newsday/Steve Pfost Local civic associations said a draft environmental assessment report prepared for the development of five parcels at Republic Airport in East Farmingdale does not adequately address the impacts of aircraft noise and other quality-of-life concerns of residents who live nearby. The Republic Airport Civic Coalition for Integrity and Compliance, which represents seven civic associations, said the report prepared for Stratosphere Development Co. LLC — an affiliate of Talon Air Inc., a provider of private jet charter services — does not assure compliance and accuracy. The draft environmental assessment report found no significant permanent environmental effects from the development. Stratosphere wants to develop the parcels — about 54 of the airport’s 530 acres — to build hangars, office space and aircraft parking areas. “The encircled noise area on the report omits directly the affected area of one-family residences in the direct flight plan,” the group wrote. “This will (and is already) affecting the quality of life for these homeowners.” According to the draft environmental assessment report prepared by the Manhattan office of Hauppauge-based VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, if Stratosphere […]