The Tournament of Roses has selected María Eugenia Carrion, Bradley Kaye, and Jim Sutton to be float judges for the 129th Rose Parade® presented by Honda. The judges will grant awards based on many criteria including creative design, floral craftsmanship, artistic merit, computerized animation, thematic interpretation, floral and color presentation and dramatic impact.
The 2018 Tournament of Roses President Lance Tibbet will announce the award-winning floats the morning of January 1, 2018, on the front steps of Tournament House.
“Being a horticultural professional, managing and owning a wholesale nursery, it’s an honor to welcome these professionals to the Tournament family,” said Lance Tibbet. “I’m excited to have these very talented members of the floral and design professions, judge our floats this year.”
Visit www.tournamentofroses.com for complete bios of the 2018 Float Judges.