6 high-fiber foods that can help with weight loss

Foods such as avocados, oats and berries have a lot of soluble fiber and may with weight loss. | Photo courtesy of Hieu Trang/Shutterstock/Stacker

When it comes to weight loss, people often talk about foods you should avoid or limit. But what about the items you should eat more of? If you’re looking to lose weight, focusing on high-fiber foods for weight loss is a great place to start. 

Here, Ro explores the relationship between fiber and weight loss, six high-fiber foods for weight loss, and how incorporating these items into your diet can support your goals.

How does fiber help with weight loss?

There are two types of fiber: Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. When soluble fiber enters the gut, it dissolves in liquid, forming a gel. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in liquid but continues to move through the gastrointestinal tract.

Soluble fiber is particularly important for weight loss. It’s fermented by bacteria in the gut, which forms substances called short-chain fatty acids. These SCFAs prompt the gut to release satiety hormones leptin, glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1), peptide YY, and cholecystokinin. 

What’s more, this lowers levels of ghrelin, the hormone that promotes hunger. These effects make you feel satisfied sooner, helping you eat less food and therefore, fewer calories.

Plus, fiber slows down digestion and, in turn, how quickly food moves through your GI tract. This can keep you fuller for longer, reducing hunger and how much food you eat.

High-fiber foods for weight loss 

When incorporating more fiber into your diet, be sure to drink plenty of water. Doing so can help avoid constipation, a common result of increased fiber intake, as well as improve digestive health. That, in turn, can support the nutrient’s weight loss promoting-effects including slowed digestion, stabilized blood sugar levels and growth of beneficial bacteria. It’s also a good idea to add high-fiber foods to your diet slowly to reduce the risk of constipation and other digestive side effects, such as bloating.

Here are some high-fiber foods to add to your plate:

1. Chickpeas

Chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) are packed with fiber. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1 cup of chickpeas offers 12.5 grams of fiber—nearly half of your daily recommended intake of 25-30 grams. This can support weight loss, as noted in a small study involving healthy women. In the study, researchers found that eating canned chickpeas suppressed appetite when compared to white bread consumption and consequently, the amount of overall food consumed. This effect was linked to the chickpeas’ high content of fiber and protein, another nutrient that can boost satiety.

Luckily, chickpeas are easy to incorporate into dishes. They’re delicious in salads, where they’ll add flavor, texture, and nutrients. You can also toss them with whole grains, like brown rice or quinoa, and roasted vegetables for a filling plant-based meal. If you have time to spare, use chickpeas to make vegetable burgers or roast them for a crispy snack.

In another small study, participants who consumed an afternoon snack of hummus—a creamy spread made of chickpeas—experienced more of a reduced appetite and increased satiety compared to those who ate a granola bar and those who didn’t eat a snack. Being that these effects can lead you to eat less food and overall fewer calories, the research suggests hummus (and, thus, chickpeas) may help promote weight loss. 

2. Berries

Thanks to their high-fiber content, fruit can promote weight loss and weight maintenance when part of a balanced diet. One tasty option is berries, including blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. For example, according to  the USDA, one cup of blueberries contains nearly 4 grams of fiber, while the same amount of raspberries offers nearly 10 grams.

More specifically, berries are high in soluble fiber, the type of fiber that can reduce appetite by increasing satiety hormones. One study found that eating blueberries increases levels of pancreatic polypeptide, a satiety hormone released by the pancreas.

To increase your intake of berries, add them to cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt. You can also blend them into smoothies or even add them to savory dishes, like salads, for a sweet touch.

3. Avocado

In case you need a reason to pay extra for guac, consider the fiber content of avocado. The fruit (yes, fruit) boasts nearly 10 grams of fiber per cup of sliced avocado, about a third of the daily recommended amount. This is great news for weight loss, as fiber can enhance fullness and potentially reduce your appetite. 

Avocado is also high in healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats, which have been studied for their satiating effect, especially in overweight and obese individuals. For instance, in one study, avocado increased levels of GLP-1 and peptide YY, two gut hormones that support satiety. Another small studyfound that eating half an avocado at lunch can enhance satiety and satisfaction in overweight adults, potentially reducing appetite and managing weight. Of course, remember that avocados contain calories and these calories should be accounted for as part of your overall diet.

4. Beans

When it comes to high-fiber foods for weight loss, you can’t go wrong with beans. Examples include black beans, pinto beans, red beans, and kidney beans, all of which are stellar sources of fiber. For instance, 1 cup of canned black beans contains 18 grams of fiber, while 1 cup of canned pinto beans offers 15 grams of fiber.

In a small study, black beans increased levels of cholecystokinin, a gut hormone associated with satiety. A scientific review also notes that beans are especially high in soluble fiber, a nutrient that balances the gut by nourishing beneficial bacteria in the GI tract. This may help control inflammation, a factor involved in weight and obesity. Another perk? Beans are also packed with lean protein, another satiating nutrient. Try adding beans to salads, soups, stews, pasta dishes, or wraps. 

5. Chia seeds

Chia seeds might be tiny, but don’t let their size fool you. Just 2 ½ tbsp (or 1 ounce) of chia seeds has nearly 10 grams of fiber, which is why they’re worthy of a place in a high-fiber diet for weight loss. In one study, yogurt with chia seeds was shown to increase satiety more than yogurt alone and resulted in lower calorie intake afterward. The researchers attributed this effect to the high fiber content of chia seeds, which can reduce food intake after a meal by enhancing fullness.

Moreover, chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids; these “good” or healthy fats also suppress appetite, further adding to the weight loss benefits of chia seeds. You can incorporate chia seeds to yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies for a filling boost.

6. Oats

One cup of cooked oats (think: oatmeal) contains 4 grams of fiber. In fact, some have even begun to call it “Oatzempic.” According to one review, the ingredient is especially high in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber known for controlling appetite. Soluble fiber, including beta-glucan, slows digestion and increases satiety hormones, ultimately suppressing appetite. Another review notes that oats and beta-glucan can increase gut hormones that promote fullness (e.g. leptin, GLP-1, peptide YY), potentially helping you eat less and lose weight.

Oatmeal isn’t your only option for eating oats, though. Try adding oats to smoothies or using them to make homemade granola. You can even use oats to make a crunchy coating for baked salmon or chicken.

Other ways to lose weight safely

  • Eat a balanced diet. When it comes to weight loss, fiber is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s a good idea to focus on protein and healthy fats, which also increase fullness and promote weight loss. In general, a well-balanced diet is one that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein (e.g. fish, chicken, fish), and foods high in healthy fats.
  • Get enough sleep. Your sleeping habits can affect your weight and overall health. Poor sleep can increase ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and decrease leptin (the satiety hormone). This can increase your appetite, potentially leading to weight gain. Aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night to support healthy weight.
  • Manage stress. Mental and emotional stress can raise levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Chronically elevated cortisol levels can promote cravings for high-calorie “comfort foods,” increasing the likelihood of overeating and weight gain. Plus, stress can increase oxidative stress and inflammation, which are contributors to excess weight. To help manage stress, try to incorporate deep breathing, journaling, and meditation into your routine.
  • Exercise regularly. Physical activity burns calories, making it a critical part of losing weight. Not only that, but regular exercise can help build muscle and boost metabolism—two effects that can also play key roles in your weight loss journey. The common recommendation is to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (e.g. walking, running, cycling) per week. But some researchsuggests that simply incorporating more movement throughout the day can be beneficial for long-term help and weight management. It’s also a good idea to incorporate strength training at least twice a week to build muscle, which can increase your overall calorie burn.
  • Stay hydrated. In some folks, thirst can be confused for hunger, so be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your appetite in check. Staying hydrated may also increase metabolism and help burn calories, further supporting weight loss. 
  • Consult an expert. To supercharge your weight-loss efforts, chat with a healthcare provider about your goals and any additional options that can help you in your journey. If you have obesity or are overweight with a weight-related health condition, you might be a candidate for FDA-approved weight-loss medications, such as Wegovy (semaglutide) and Zepbound (tirzepatide)

Bottom line

Getting enough fiber is key for overall health, but it can also be important for weight loss. Its filling properties can reduce your appetite, potentially helping you eat less food and calories. However, it’s possible to overdo it with fiber, so add it to your diet slowly. If you have questions, it’s always a good idea to consult a pro, such as a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian.

Written by Kristen Nunez.

This story was produced by Ro and reviewed and distributed by Stacker. The article was retitled and copy edited from its original version.

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