Duarte’s Beardslee Park has just gotten a brand-new restroom facility and a hydration station, the city announced.
As part of the city’s previous Capital Improvement Plan adopted in 2021, Beardslee Park now has a modern, prefabricated restroom facility.
“The previous restroom … had reached the end of its useful life,” officials said.
The new restroom is a prefabricated building, designed for “comfort and accessibility,” according to a city statement. The facility includes three single-occupant, all-gender stalls, two of which are ADA-compliant stalls equipped with baby-changing stations. The facility uses vandal-resistant materials to ensure long-term durability and will accommodate up to 135 users per hour.
The park also has a new hydration station in a central location, officials said. Park visitors can use the station to refill reusable water bottles, which may help reduce plastic waste while enabling people to stay hydrated while at the park.
The hydration station is ADA-compliant and has fountains at various heights to accommodate children and adults.
“There’s even a dog-friendly fountain at ground level, ensuring that your furry companions can stay hydrated too,” according to the city’s announcement.
The hydration station was funded with a grant program from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to promote reusable water containers in an effort to reduce single-use plastic bottles.