Corona officials are asking nonprofit organizations to submit requests for co-sponsored events, and applications are due by March 30, the city announced.
The city is currently creating its budget for co-sponsored events scheduled in the next fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30, 2024.
“The Co-Sponsorship program is administered by the Community Services Department and is intended to facilitate non-profit community events open to the public,” said Jose Coria, community services events program coordinator. “This program provides a one-time award in the form of a fee waiver to offset costs associated with City permits and services in support of the requested event.”
Established in 1998, “this program has supported many events over the years,” Coria said in an email to the Corona News Press. “Every year we support anywhere between 20-35 events. Some to make note of are the Relay for Life, Lobsterfest, Cinco De Mayo Parade, Jingle Bell Run, Day of the Child, and Memorial Mile March.”
This program is not the same as the recently approved Community Based Organization grant funding, which will be made available through a separate application process, according to the city’s announcement.
To be considered, nonprofits must fulfill a set of criteria.
Eligible entities include community groups, nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations and other government agencies.
An organization must verify its nonprofit status by providing city officials with an “entity status letter” dated within the last six months, according to the city’s announcement. The verification letter “can be obtained via IRS, (Franchise Tax Board) or California Secretary of State websites.”
Corona-Norco Unified School District events may be considered for co-sponsorship by the city.
Eligible organizations must have a physical presence in Corona, either being based within the city or they must have a local branch or nonprofit affiliation within city limits. Organizations that have a nonprofit affiliation must submit a written letter from the nonprofit verifying the affiliation.
The city’s announcement also noted that an organization’s event must be designed to accomplish one or more of these goals:
— Promote the city of Corona as a desirable place to live, visit or do business.
— Promote Corona as a visitor destination and/or bring tourism-associated revenue for the city.
— Enhance the quality of life and well-being of the residents of the city.
— Advance Corona’s commitment to, and pride in, being a multicultural community.
— Encourage the development of neighborhood identity and pride.
— Promote cultural and artistic awareness within the community.
Officials also broke down guidelines for written requests for event co-sponsorship.
“City co-sponsorship shall be limited to ‘in-kind’ donations of City services in lieu of direct monetary donations,” according to the announcement. “Examples of ‘in-kind’ donations are the waiving of certain permit fees associated with an event or covering City staff time cost incurred as a result of the event.
“Written requests should include a background description of the specific event, scope of activities and the event’s significance to the residents of Corona,” the application instructions continued. “The request should also include an itemized breakdown of the event’s total cost and the specific City services that are being requested.”
To help determine an event’s need for city services and associated costs, applicants can contact Coria at or via phone at 951-739-4967.
Applications are available online at
While all written requests submitted by the deadline will be reviewed, because of budgetary constraints not all requests will be funded, officials stated.