At its meeting on Tuesday, the Duarte City Council completed the redistricting process and established a new City Council district map by adopting Ordinance No. 909 approving Map 103 Revised.
City Council seats for Districts 1, 4, 5, and 6 will be up for re-election this November, while the election in Districts 2, 3, and 7 will occur in November 2024. The new Council District map pairs Mayor Margaret Finlay and Mayor Pro Tem Tzeitel Paras-Caracci in District 1. It also pairs Councilmembers Jody Schulz and Vinh Truong in District 3. Two of the new Districts – District 2 and District 4 – have no incumbent Councilmembers.
The City began the redistricting process in September 2021 and hired National Demographics Corporation (NDC) as the demographer. Early in the process, Duarte created a dedicated redistricting website. It provides education about the redistricting process, answers to frequently asked questions, a schedule of upcoming meetings, a contact us page, a subscription form to receive districting news, and mapping tools. Residents also had the ability to pick up paper map kits from City Hall and the Senior Center to submit hand-drawn submissions.
To gather public input and insights on the district formation process, the City Council held six public hearings, a special meeting, and a regular meeting.
More information regarding the November 2022 election will be available in the coming months, according to city press release.