Local Motivational Speaker Michael Roberts has been educating in the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide, now he is giving back to the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma with a FREE shirt giveaway.
Michael says, “You could receive from 1, up to 12 free shirts, any style, any color, any size, men and womens, youths and toddlers and your help goes to actual Hurricane families in need.”
Simply go to: www.MichaelRobertsMotivationalClothing.com and see how you can help make a difference.
Michael has been in talks with Houston families, mothers with kids who have lost everything. The little stuff we take for granted, tooth paste, deodorant, clothes, shoes, but it goes above and beyond that, people have lost homes with 75% of homes damaged in South Houston. Where do they go? Repairs need to be done, it will cost Houston 200 million alone just to get rid of the debris. And Michael continues by saying it doesn’t stop there; cars, belongings, they need food, a roof over their head, expenses, babies to take care of and again, many have lost everything.
“Help us, help them,” Michael concludes. If you have questions, contact renowned Motivational Speaker Michael Roberts direct at 310-890-3348 and/or Info@MichaelRobertsMotivationalClothing.com.
Coming in November, the Michael Roberts WEB TV show, based on and about Michael’s motivational speaking. Now everyone worldwide can hear him speak, helping make a difference throughout out the world. Keep posted at www.MichaelRobertsTV.com